Class: ListLDAPAttributeNamesType

new ListLDAPAttributeNamesType()

Constructs a new ListLDAPAttributeNamesType.

The following features are supported:


alias :string

LDAP alias of the LDAP source from which attribute data should be returned. This property holds the value of the 'Alias' attribute.
  • string

baseDn :string

Additional base DN that will be used to restrict the results. This base DN is relative and in addition to the base DN specified when creating the LDAP alias. This property holds the value of the 'Base Dn' attribute.
  • string

filter :string

LDAP filter expression that can be (optionally) used to limit the LDAP entries for which data should be returned. For example, this could be a simple expression such as "uid=*" to return data only for all LDAP entries that have a valid UID attribute. This property holds the value of the 'Filter' attribute.
  • string

sampleDataNumber :number

The number of random example entities to be returned. This property holds the value of the 'Sample Data Number' attribute.
  • number