Class: BusinessServiceService


new BusinessServiceService()


cancelBusinessService(request, callback)

Cancels a given business service instance.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.CancelBusinessServiceRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type CancelBusinessServiceResponseType.

getBusinessServiceDetailsByModule(request, callback)

Retrieves all the information about a business service, identified by module.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetBusinessServiceDetailsByModuleRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type BusinessServiceType.

injectBusinessService(request, callback)

Injects an event into a business service whose execution state is IN_PROGRESS.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.InjectBusinessServiceRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type PageResponse.

listBusinessServices(request, callback)

Lists deployed business services.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.ListBusinessServicesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type ListBusinessServicesResponseType.

listCategories(request, callback)

Lists categories of all deployed business services.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.ListCategoriesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type ListCategoriesResponseType.

queryBusinessServices(request, callback)

Returns the deployed business services that satisfy the specified filter criteria.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.QueryBusinessServicesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type QueryBusinessServicesResponseType.

queryCategories(request, callback)

Returns categories of the deployed business services that satisfy the specified filter criteria.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.QueryCategoriesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type QueryCategoriesResponseType.

startBusinessService(request, callback)

Starts an instance of a deployed business service.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.StartBusinessServiceRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type PageResponse.

updateBusinessService(request, callback)

Updates the specified business service instance.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.UpdateBusinessServiceRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type PageResponse.