Class: UpdateCalendarEntryRequest


new UpdateCalendarEntryRequest(name, version, guid, description, startDate, responseStartDate, responseEndDate)

Object UpdateCalendarEntryRequest Usage: RestApiService.getWorkCalService().updateCalendarEntry(request, callback);
Name Type Description
name string Name of the calendar to which the exclusion is being added (within the given namespace).
version number (Java type: int) The version number used to detect concurrent updates to the same calendar; also known as optimistic locking.
guid string The GUID of the exclusion being amended, as returned by the createCalendarEntry or getCalEntries function.
description string A description of the updated exclusion.
startDate string The date and time when the updated calendar exclusion starts.
responseStartDate string The start date-time for which entries should be included in the response.
responseEndDate string The end date-time for which entries should be included in the response.
  • 4.0.0


allDay :boolean

Query parameter: 'allday' (optional, default=false) (boolean) Indicates whether this entry lasts the entire day. If false, the start and end time are determined by the given start and end date.
  • boolean
  • 4.0.0
Default Value:
  • = false

endDate :string

Query parameter: 'enddate' (optional) The date and time when the updated calendar exclusion ends. If not specified, the exclusion will be never-ending.
  • string
  • 4.0.0

namespace :string

Query parameter: 'namespace' (optional) The combination of namespace and name uniquely identifies a calendar. Note that the default SYSTEM calendar has no namespace.
  • string
  • 4.0.0