Class: NotifyDDLExecutionRequestType


new NotifyDDLExecutionRequestType()

Details required for NotifyDDLExecution operation. Constructs a new NotifyDDLExecutionRequestType.

The following features are supported:


caseModelID :string

This property holds the value of the 'Case Model ID' attribute.
  • string

databaseScriptAction :tibco.objectapi.bds.DBScriptActionEnum

This can take the following values: CREATE_SCRIPT_EXECUTED - Record that the create database script has been run UPDATE_SCRIPT_EXECUTED - Record that the update database script has been run DROP_SCRIPT_EXECUTED - Record that the drop database script has been run FREEZE_CASE_DATA_MODEL - Freeze the model to stop further changes UNFREEZE_CASE_DATA_MODEL - Unfreeze the model to allow further changes CLEANUP_COMPLETE - Notify that a cleanup operation has been completed This property holds the value of the 'Database Script Action' attribute.

OperationDetails :tibco.objectapi.bds.OperationDetailsType

Details about why the operation was performed This property holds the value of the 'Operation Details' containment reference.

skipValidation :boolean

Skip any validation that the DDL has actually been run. Default for this is to verify it has been run. Set to TRUE if it is required to disable this validation check. This property holds the value of the 'Skip Validation' attribute.
  • boolean