Class: XmlUpdateResource

new XmlUpdateResource()

Request element for updateResource operation. Allows the properties of the identified resource to be modified. Many of the parameters within this request document are optional; only those that are provided in the request will be set on the identified resource. Returns detailed information for the resource identified by its GUID. The model version in the request identifies the organization model major version from which the resource's model entity associations are to be taken. The default value of -1 indicates that the latest version should be used. . Constructs a new XmlUpdateResource.

The following features are supported:


modelVersion :number

Identifies the model major version from which the resource's organization model entity associations are to be taken. The default value of -1 indicates that the latest version should be used. This property holds the value of the 'Model Version' attribute.
  • number

resource :Array.<>

A list of candidate resources to be updated. This property holds the value of the 'Resource' containment reference list.