Class: OrgEntityConfigAttributeSet


new OrgEntityConfigAttributeSet()

Definition of a configuration attribute setting (a name/value pair). Constructs a new OrgEntityConfigAttributeSet.

The following features are supported:


attributeName :string

Name of the configuration attribute. This must be one of the following: - MaxOpenWorkItemCount, which defines the maximum number of open work items allowed concurrently (for the specified organization model entity). - WorkItemAutoOpen, which defines whether to automatically open the next work item when completing a work item. NOTE: Other configuration attributes are part of the private API and reserved for internal use. This property holds the value of the 'Attribute Name' attribute.
  • string

attributeValue :string

Value of the configuration attribute. This must be one of the following: - for MaxOpenWorkItemCount, an integer. - for WorkItemAutoOpen, a boolean. This property holds the value of the 'Attribute Value' attribute.
  • string