Class: GlobaldataService


new GlobaldataService()


createCase(request, callback)

Creates new case data for a given case class in the case data store.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.CreateCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type CreateCaseResponseType.

createDataView(request, callback)

Specifies a search query to be stored as a data view that can be retrieved later using the getCaseReferencesForDataViewByID function.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.CreateDataViewRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type CreateDataViewResponseType.

dataViewHelp(request, callback)

Returns help information about options available in globaldata/dataview...
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.DataViewHelpRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type StringResponse.

deleteCaseByCID(request, callback)

Deletes existing case data from the case data store for a given case identifier (CID), for example, a customer ID.

A case identifier is a special type of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a case class. A case class must have at least one case identifier and may have many, depending on the nature of the case data. Case identifiers are specified at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.DeleteCaseByCIDRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type JsoResponse.

deleteCaseByRef(request, callback)

Deletes existing case data for a given case reference from the case data store.

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.DeleteCaseByRefRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type JsoResponse.

deleteDataViewByID(request, callback)

Deletes a previously saved data view using the view ID.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.DeleteDataViewByIDRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type JsoResponse.

deleteDataViewByName(request, callback)

Deletes a previously saved data view using the view name.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.DeleteDataViewByNameRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type JsoResponse.

editDataView(request, callback)

Edits a previously saved data view.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.EditDataViewRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type JsoResponse.

findAllCases(request, callback)

Finds all of the case references for a given case class. A case object is accessed by reference. Whenever a case object is created, a unique case reference is also created. Providing the case reference, provides access to the case data object.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.FindAllCasesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

findCaseByCID(request, callback)

Finds the case reference of the case data using a case identifier (CID), for example, a customer ID.

A case identifier is a special type of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a case class. A case class must have at least one case identifier and may have many, depending on the nature of the case data. Case identifiers are specified at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.FindCaseByCIDRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type FindCaseByCIDResponseType.

findCaseByCriteria(request, callback)

Finds case data that matches specified criteria.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.FindCaseByCriteriaRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

findCaseByExample(request, callback)

Finds the case references of case data using a searchable case attribute. Searchable attributes can be used to find case data that match specified attribute values. Case attributes are specified as searchable at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.FindCaseByExampleRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

getCaseReferencesForDataViewByAdhocView(request, callback)

Returns the case references that match the specified case data search query.

You can use this function to provide ad-hoc searches of all case data or to search data views that have been created and stored previously. The search query enables you to specify sophisticated search conditions based on a search schema.

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseReferencesForDataViewByAdhocViewRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

getCaseReferencesForDataViewByID(request, callback)

Returns the case references that match the specified data view ID.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseReferencesForDataViewByIDRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

getCaseReferencesForDataViewByName(request, callback)

Returns the case references that match the specified data view name.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseReferencesForDataViewByNameRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.

getCaseState(request, callback)

Obtains the case state attribute value for a given case object, optionally including all values that are allowed for that attribute.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseStateRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetCaseStateResponseType.

getCaseSummary(request, callback)

Returns summary data for a number of caseReferences (passed as parameters) to the globalData objects that they reference.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseSummaryRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetCaseSummaryResponseType.

getDataViewCategories(request, callback)

Returns the data view categories that are defined.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewCategoriesRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewCategoriesResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByApp(request, callback)

Retrieves the data view for the specified application name.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByAppRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByCaseClass(request, callback)

Returns details of all views associated with the given case class.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByCaseClassRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByCategory(request, callback)

Retrieves the data view for the specified category.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByCategoryRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByID(request, callback)

Retrieves the data view for the specified view ID.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByIDRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByName(request, callback)

Retrieves the data view for the specified view name.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByNameRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

getDataViewDetailsByUncategorized(request, callback)

Returns all the data views that have been created using the API without specifying a category.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetDataViewDetailsByUncategorizedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetDataViewDetailsResponseType.

globaldataGetHelp(request, callback)

Returns help information about options available in globaldata/...
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GlobaldataGetHelpRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type StringResponse.

linkCase(request, callback)

Creates an association between case data. This is necessary when navigating between case data. For example, in an insurance company, you may want to link a customer's case reference number with their orders.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.LinkCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type LinkResponseType.

modelHelp(request, callback)

Returns help information about options available in globaldata/model...
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.ModelHelpRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type StringResponse.
Performs searches on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NavigateCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.
Performs searches, using the specified criteria, on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NavigateCaseByCriteriaRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type SearchResults.
Performs searches on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function. This function navigates association links from the given source object for all roles, with the ability to include case summary in the response.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NavigateCaseDetailedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type NavigateCaseDetailedResponseType.

readCase(request, callback)

Reads existing case data from the case data store.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.ReadCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type ReadCaseResponseType.

refHelp(request, callback)

Returns help information about options available in globaldata/ref...
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.RefHelpRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type StringResponse.

unlinkCase(request, callback)

Removes an existing association between case data.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.UnlinkCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type LinkResponseType.

updateCase(request, callback)

Updates existing case data in the case data store.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.UpdateCaseRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type UpdateCaseResponseType.