Class: ChannelType



businessService :Array.<tibco.objectapi.wp.service.BusinessServiceType>

Defines pageflow business service form related resources. This property holds the value of the 'Business Service' containment reference list.

channelId :string

This property holds the value of the 'Channel Id' attribute.
  • string

defaultChannel :boolean

Is this a default channel for the target channel type. Note there should be only one default channel per channel type. This property holds the value of the 'Default Channel' attribute.
  • boolean

description :string

Description of the channel that is getting deployed. This property holds the value of the 'Description' attribute.
  • string

domain :string

This property holds the value of the 'Domain' attribute.
  • string

extendedProperties :tibco.objectapi.wp.service.ExtendedPropertiesType

It is a provision to add custom properties to the work model type which can be interpreted by the Work Presenation Deployment Analyser. This property holds the value of the 'Extended Properties' containment reference.

extensionConfig :tibco.objectapi.wp.service.ChannelExtentionType

Defines extended channel information, for example, Email Channel, or for a channel not yet implemented in WP. This property holds the value of the 'Extension Config' containment reference.

implementationType :tibco.objectapi.common.channeltype.ImplementationType

Implementation type specifies the fulfillment type of the presentation.This fulfillment type can be a server push/pull This property holds the value of the 'Implementation Type' attribute.

name :string

This property holds the value of the 'Name' attribute.
  • string

pageFlow :Array.<tibco.objectapi.wp.service.PageFlowType>

This property holds the value of the 'Page Flow' containment reference list.

presentationChannelType :tibco.objectapi.common.channeltype.PresentationType

presentation type specifies the rendering engine type for the presentation.It can be something like JSP,GI,RCP..etc This property holds the value of the 'Presentation Channel Type' attribute.

targetChannelType :tibco.objectapi.common.channeltype.ChannelType

Target channel type indicates the client type of channel for viewing the presentation. EMAIL channel is a channel type which might be capable of displaying JSP/Forms/MS-Word type of presentations. This property holds the value of the 'Target Channel Type' attribute.

version :string

This property holds the value of the 'Version' attribute.
  • string

workType :Array.<tibco.objectapi.wp.service.WorkTypeType>

WorkModel type is the work type/work model type defined in BRM.It is assumed that in runtime that work types/ work model types are already deployed and activated before the work presentation request is made.Same work model type can be associated to different presentation forms based on the channel specified. This property holds the value of the 'Work Type' containment reference list.