Class: CreateDocumentRequestType


new CreateDocumentRequestType()

Request for CreateDocument. Constructs a new CreateDocumentRequestType.

The following features are supported:


content :string

base64Binary encoding of document content This property holds the value of the 'Content' attribute.
  • string

contentURL :string

URL from which the document content can be fetched (i.e. This URL must be resolvable from the AMX-BPM server) This property holds the value of the 'Content URL' attribute.
  • string

mimeType :string

mime-type of content. If omitted, the repository will assume a default. This property holds the value of the 'Mime Type' attribute.
  • string

name :string

Name for the document This property holds the value of the 'Name' attribute.
  • string

owner :tibco.objectapi.bds.document.OwnerReference

This property holds the value of the 'Owner' containment reference.

returnMetadata :boolean

The response will contain a document reference. If this boolean attribute is set true, it will also include document metadata. (Assumed false if omitted) This property holds the value of the 'Return Metadata' attribute.
  • boolean

versioningState :tibco.objectapi.bds.document.VersioningStateEnum

Determines initial version number of document. MAJOR, MINOR or NONE. e.g. may map to 1.0, 0.1 or a non-versioned document, as per repository capabilities. If omitted, the repository will decide the appropriate default. This property holds the value of the 'Versioning State' attribute.