new StartPageFlowType()
Constructs a new StartPageFlowType.
The following features are supported:
cacheTimeout :string
**PRIVATE API - Reserved for internal use**
Timeout value (in minutes) for the pageflow activity.
This property holds the value of the 'Cache Timeout' attribute.
- string
formalParams :tibco.objectapi.common.datafeed.DataPayload
Data for the formal parameters associated with the pageflow start event.
Note: You cannot determine the names of these formal parameters programmatically. Instead, you must obtain them by examining the process in TIBCO Business Studio.
This property holds the value of the 'Formal Params' containment reference.
pageFlowDefinition :tibco.objectapi.pfe.common.PFETemplate
Unique identifier of the pageflow to be started.
This property holds the value of the 'Page Flow Definition' containment reference.
responsePayloadMode :tibco.objectapi.common.datafeed.PayloadModeType
Enumerated value defining the format of the data payload to be used in the response message (XML or JSON).
If not specified, the default value is JSON.
(RSS is currently not supported.)
This property holds the value of the 'Response Payload Mode' attribute.