Class: ExecuteLdapQueryType

new ExecuteLdapQueryType()

Constructs a new ExecuteLdapQueryType.

The following features are supported:


baseDn :string

The base DN to which the query is to be restricted. This will be relative, and in addition to, any base DN specified in the LDAP connection shared resource's URL. This property holds the value of the 'Base Dn' attribute.
  • string

bookmark :string

Opaque marker for progress through a paged result set. Not specified on the first paging request. Only specified on subsequent paging requests. Content must be Base64 encoded. This property holds the value of the 'Bookmark' attribute.
  • string

ldapAlias :string

Identifies the LDAP connection shared resource on which the LDAP query is to be evaluated. LDAP connection shared resource are named with the prefix "ldap/de/" in order to indicate that they are intended for Directory Engine use. The alias given here is that name without the "ldap/de/" prefix. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Alias' attribute.
  • string

ldapQuery :string

The LDAP query to be evaluated. The query must conform to the RFC 2254 LDAP Search Filter standard. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Query' attribute.
  • string

pageSize :number

Requested page size for paged result sets. If not specified then paging will not be used. To be specified on every paging request. This property holds the value of the 'Page Size' attribute.
  • number


The Search Scope determines the depth to which the search will be performed. By default the search will be SUBTREE. This property holds the value of the 'Search Scope' attribute.