Class: ClientRestPublicService


new ClientRestPublicService()


completeWorkItem(request, callback)

Completes a work item (and update the associated input and output data).
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.CompleteWorkItemPublicRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type WorkResponseType.

isActionAuthorised(request, callback)

Tests whether the identified performer is authorised to perform the named system actions in the context of the optional scoping organizational entity.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.IsActionAuthorisedPublicRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type IsActionAuthorisedResponseType.

isCloudEnabled(request, callback)

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.IsCloudEnabledPublicRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type BooleanResponse.

openNextWorkItem(request, callback)

Opens the next work item in the work queue, where the work item is either part of a chained group or is a piled work item. This version also deals with PageFlow items which cannot be directly opened via the WP API
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.OpenNextWorkItemPublicRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type WorkResponseType.

openWorkItem(request, callback)

Opens a work item (to get work presentation details and the associated input and output data).
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.OpenWorkItemPublicRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type WorkResponseType.