Class: SaveCalendarReferencesType


new SaveCalendarReferencesType()

Constructs a new SaveCalendarReferencesType.

The following features are supported:


addReference :Array.<string>

The collection of Calendar References to be associated with the identified Calendar. This is an additive operation. Any existing references to the Calendar that aren't included in this collection will not be removed. This property holds the value of the 'Add Reference' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>

name :string

The mandatory name of the calendar. This must be unique within the given namespace. This property holds the value of the 'Name' attribute.
  • string

namespace :string

Used to categorize, or group, named Calendars. Calendars sharing the same namespace must have unique names. A namespace of null is still considered a valid namespace. This property holds the value of the 'Namespace' attribute.
  • string

removeReference :Array.<string>

The collection of Calendar References to be removed from the identified Calendar. This is an additive operation. Any existing references to the Calendar that aren't included in this collection will not be removed. This property holds the value of the 'Remove Reference' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>

version :number

The version number used to detect concurrent updates to the same Calendar; also known as optimistic locking. This property holds the value of the 'Version' attribute.
  • number