Class: XmlLdapSource

new XmlLdapSource()

Definition of an LDAP shared resource entry (identified by its GUID) in an LDAP container. The "id" attribute is used to link this element to the "ldap-resource-id" attribute of the XmlLdapAttributeContainerMapping entries in the XmlLdapContainer in which this element is located. (A value should always be assigned to the "id" attribute.). Constructs a new XmlLdapSource.

The following features are supported:


displayNameAttributes :string

(Optional) LDAP attributes that can be used to generate a default display name for any resource located within this LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Display Name Attributes' attribute.
  • string

guid :string

Unique GUID of the LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Guid' attribute.
  • string

id :string

Unique ID of the LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Id' attribute.
  • string

ldapAlias :string

Alias of the LDAP directory that is referenced by this LDAP source. The alias is a previously configured shared resource that identifies this LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Alias' attribute.
  • string