Class: Measure

new Measure()

Base entity returned when requesting a measure. When making a request, an array of identifiers can be passed in. For example, an array of ProcessTemplateIds can be supplied when calling the requestProcessTemplateMeasure operation. The number of measures returned depends on the consolidation mode selected in the MeasureOptions. Constructs a new Measure.
N.B. This is an abstract class - do not instantiate!

The following features are supported:


index :number

Zero-based numeric index for each measure returned. This property holds the value of the 'Index' attribute.
  • number

isConsolidatedMeasure :boolean

Boolean value defining whether the measure contains: - data for a single id. - consolidated data for all the ids passed in by the request. This property holds the value of the 'Is Consolidated Measure' attribute.
  • boolean