Class: GetWorkListItemsForViewType


new GetWorkListItemsForViewType()

Constructs a new GetWorkListItemsForViewType.

The following features are supported:


getAllocatedItems :boolean

Optional default behaviour is false. If true then this is a request for allocated Work Items. If false then the request is for offered Work Items. This property holds the value of the 'Get Allocated Items' attribute.
  • boolean

getEnhancedAttributes :boolean

if true return a work item with all 40 Work Item attributes, otherwise only the original 14 Work Item Attributes. This property holds the value of the 'Get Enhanced Attributes' attribute.
  • boolean

getTotalCount :boolean

Boolean defining whether BRM builds a count of the total number of work items in the work item list. If ‘false’ is passed in this attribute, and: - there is at least one item in the list, the totalItems value returned in the response is -1. - there are no work items in the list, the totalItems value returned in the response is 0 (zero). This property holds the value of the 'Get Total Count' attribute.
  • boolean

numberOfItems :string

Number of work items (in the work item list) to include in this page. This property holds the value of the 'Number Of Items' attribute.
  • string

startPosition :string

Position in the work item list from which to start this page. (The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.) This property holds the value of the 'Start Position' attribute.
  • string

workListViewID :string

The ID of the work list view from which to get the page of work items. This property holds the value of the 'Work List View ID' attribute.
  • string