Class: XmlPushDestinationType

new XmlPushDestinationType()

Constructs a new XmlPushDestinationType.

The following features are supported:


channelId :string

Unique ID of the channel associated with this push destination. This property holds the value of the 'Channel Id' attribute.
  • string

channelType :tibco.objectapi.common.channeltype.ChannelType

Enumerated type defining the presentation technology used by the channel associated with this push destination. This property holds the value of the 'Channel Type' attribute.

descGuid :string

Unique ID of a prameter descriptor whose value should be used for the push destination. The parameter descriptor must be assigned to the organization model entity for whom the push destination is being set. If a value is assigned to both this attribute and the "value" element below, the value of this element will be used. This property holds the value of the 'Desc Guid' attribute.
  • string

enabled :boolean

Boolean value indicating whether this push destination is currently enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This property holds the value of the 'Enabled' attribute.
  • boolean

name :string

Unique name of this push destination. This property holds the value of the 'Name' attribute.
  • string

value :Array.<string>

Value to be used for this push destination. For a: - setPushDestinations operation, this value is only used if no desc-guid attribute is supplied. - getPushDestinations operation, this value is the current value of the desc-guid attribute. This property holds the value of the 'Value' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>