Class: GlobaldataAdminService


new GlobaldataAdminService()


adminGetHelp(request, callback)

Returns help information about options available in globaldata/admin/...
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.AdminGetHelpRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type StringResponse.

getAuditInfo(request, callback)

Returns all the CREATE/UPDATE/DROP scripts that have been edited for a case model, including, who performed the operation (for example, the system or the user) and when. It also returns any previously generated scripts. For example, you may have five previous update scripts if you have deployed five different versions of the same case model major version.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetAuditInfoRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetAuditInfoResponseType.

getCaseClassInfo(request, callback)

Lists all case classes, and their attributes, that are defined on the system. This information can then be used when searching for case data.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseClassInfoRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetCaseClassInfoResponseType.

getCaseModel(request, callback)

Lists the CREATE/UPDATE/DROP database scripts for all deployed case models. Use this to retrieve the database scripts for the case models.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseModelRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetCaseModelResponseType.

getCaseModelBasicInfo(request, callback)

Lists basic information about all deployed case models. Use this function to discover all case models.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.GetCaseModelBasicInfoRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type GetCaseModelBasicInfoResponseType.

notifyCleaned(request, callback)

Sets notify when case model database has been manually cleaned up after auto remove of tables failed.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyCleanedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

notifyCreated(request, callback)

Sets notify when case model has been created.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyCreatedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

notifyDropped(request, callback)

Sets notify when case model has been dropped.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyDroppedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

notifyFreeze(request, callback)

Freezes the case model.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyFreezeRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

notifyUnfreeze(request, callback)

Unfreezes the case model.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyUnfreezeRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

notifyUpdated(request, callback)

Sets notify when case model has been updated.
Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.NotifyUpdatedRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.

updateDBScripts(request, callback)

Updates the existing CREATE/UPDATE/DROP database scripts with any required changes.

Although editing the scripts is possible, TIBCO does not recommend this unless it is essential. There are only a few changes that you are allowed to make.

Name Type Description
request tibco.objectapi.service.request.UpdateDBScriptsRequest A request set with data for this service call.
callback tibco.objectapi.service.Callback A callback to handle the service response of type OperationDetailsType.