Class: GetCaseClassInfoRequestType


new GetCaseClassInfoRequestType()

Details required to retrieve information about Case Classes. Constructs a new GetCaseClassInfoRequestType.

The following features are supported:


appDetails :tibco.objectapi.bds.AppDetails

This property holds the value of the 'App Details' containment reference.

caseClass :Array.<string>

If app details are provided, then caseClass can be set to one or more case class names to get info for specific class(es) rather than all for the app. Note: This is ignored if no app details are provided. This property holds the value of the 'Case Class' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>

caseModelID :string

This property holds the value of the 'Case Model ID' attribute.
  • string

includeAppDetails :boolean

Set true to include app details with each CaseClassInfo in the response. Generally set only when retrieving info for multiple apps. (default: false) This property holds the value of the 'Include App Details' attribute.
  • boolean

includeAttributes :boolean

Set true to include attribute details (rather than just classes) in the response (default: true) This property holds the value of the 'Include Attributes' attribute.
  • boolean

includeGlobalObjectAttributes :boolean

Set true to include attributes of contained global objects, as well as the case object itself (default: true). Ignored unless includeAttributes=true. This property holds the value of the 'Include Global Object Attributes' attribute.
  • boolean

includeLabels :boolean

Set true to include labels as well as names in the response (default: false) This property holds the value of the 'Include Labels' attribute.
  • boolean