Class: GetFolderContentRequestType


new GetFolderContentRequestType()

Request for GetFolderContent. Constructs a new GetFolderContentRequestType.

The following features are supported:


depth :number

How many layers of folder to read. 1 = top level items only. 2 = top level and one level below that (etc). -1 = unlimited. This property holds the value of the 'Depth' attribute.
  • number

folderReference :string

A reference to a folder. Obtained via a prior call to this API. This property holds the value of the 'Folder Reference' attribute.
  • string

owner :tibco.objectapi.bds.document.OwnerReference

This property holds the value of the 'Owner' containment reference.

returnMetadata :boolean

The response will contain document/folder references. If this boolean attribute is set true, it will also include corresponding metadata. (Assumed false if omitted) This property holds the value of the 'Return Metadata' attribute.
  • boolean