Class: GetLdapEntryRequest


new GetLdapEntryRequest(ldapAlias, ldapDn)

Object GetLdapEntryRequest Usage: RestApiService.getDirectoryService().getLdapEntry(request, callback);
Name Type Description
ldapAlias string The alias of the LDAP entry being enquired upon. LDAP connection shared resources are named with the prefix ldap/de/ in order to indicate that they are intended for Directory Engine use. The alias given here is that name without the ldap/de/ prefix. Can be obtained from a previous call to listLdapConnections.
ldapDn string The base Distinguished Name (DN) to which the query is restricted. This is relative to, and in addition to, any base DN specified in the LDAP connection shared resource's URL. You can get the required ldapdn from a previous call to listCandidateResources, executeLdapQuery, or getResource.
  • 4.0.0


attrNames :Array.<string>

Query parameter: 'attrname' (Java type: List) (optional) The names of the attributes whose values are being returned. There may be zero or more repetitions of this entry, one per attribute. If no attribute names are included, all the entry's attributes are returned.
  • Array.<string>
  • 4.0.0