Class: StartPageFlowRequest


new StartPageFlowRequest(payload, moduleName, processName, version)

Object StartPageFlowRequest Usage: RestApiService.getPageFlowService().startPageFlow(request, callback);
Name Type Description
payload tibco.objectapi.common.datafeed.DataPayload The page data for the formal parameters associated with the specified pageflow.

You cannot determine the names of the formal parameters programmatically. Instead, you must obtain them by examining the process in TIBCO Business Studio.

moduleName string Name of the module that contains the pageflow process.
processName string Name of the pageflow process.
version string Version number of the pageflow process.

The moduleName, processName and version can be obtained by using listPageFlows.

  • 4.0.0


responseType :string

Query parameter: 'responsetype' (optional) Enumerated value defining the format of the data payload to be used in the response message - either XML or JSON.
  • string
  • 4.0.0
Default Value:
  • = JSON