Class: FindResourcesType

new FindResourcesType()

Constructs a new FindResourcesType.

The following features are supported:


currentOnly :boolean

Determines whether only resources currently associated with the identified entities are to be include (true). If false, any date ranges applied to the resource or its associations are ignored. This property holds the value of the 'Current Only' attribute.
  • boolean

entityRef :Array.<>

Identifies an organization model entity (by its unique GUID) whose associated resources are to be included in the response. The 'deep-search' attribute determines whether the search for resources should extend to logical associations (true). This only applies to groups (where sub-groups will also be included) and locations (where associations by positions, organization units, and organizations will be included). For other entity types, the deep-search attribute is ignored. This property holds the value of the 'Entity Ref' containment reference list.

modelVersion :number

Identifies the major organization model version in which the identified entities are to be searched. The default value of -1 indicates that the latest version should be used. When searching for resources by name, this attribute is ignored. This property holds the value of the 'Model Version' attribute.
  • number

resourceName :Array.<string>

Names the resource(s) to be searched for. There may be two, or more, resources that share the same name, so the response may include more than one result for each name provided. This property holds the value of the 'Resource Name' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>