Class: XmlSecondaryLdapGroupSource

new XmlSecondaryLdapGroupSource()

Extension of XmlLdapGroupSource, which identifies a secondary LDAP shared resource entry within an LDAP container. An LDAP container can hold a single primary LDAP source and any number of secondary LDAP sources. Secondary LDAP sources hold "foreign-key" references that map their entries to those of the primary LDAP source by named attribute values. Constructs a new XmlSecondaryLdapGroupSource.

The following features are supported:



containerMapping :Array.<>

Definition of how this secondary LDAP source is mappped to the primary LDAP source. The mapping will allow an attribute's value in the primary LDAP source to map to an attribute's value in the secondary LDAP source. For example, suppose a resource has an entry of "UID=Clint Hill" in the primary LDAP source, and is uniquely identified in the secondary LDAP source as "CN=Clint Hill". The mappping would map the "UID" attribute in the primary LDAP source to the "CN" attribute in the secondary LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Container Mapping' containment reference list.

displayNameAttributes :string

(Optional) LDAP attributes that can be used to generate a default display name for any resource located within this LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Display Name Attributes' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

groupDn :string

The Group DN uniquely identifies the directory entry that is the group. This can be derived by performing a search based upon the base-DN, search filter and scope parameters described above. Or, it can be manually entered (with verification) by the user. This property holds the value of the 'Group Dn' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

guid :string

Unique GUID of the LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Guid' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

id :string

Unique ID of the LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Id' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

ldapAlias :string

Alias of the LDAP directory that is referenced by this LDAP source. The alias is a previously configured shared resource that identifies this LDAP source. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Alias' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

memberAttribute :string

The member attribute names the attribute within the group entry that holds the collection of member idenifiers - their DNs. This will give the final list of candidate resources. This property holds the value of the 'Member Attribute' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From: