Class: Query

new Query()

Definition of a query to execute on the system, to obtain data from the Event Collector database. Queries can either be executed directly, or registered for later execution (recommended when repeatedly calling the same query). Constructs a new Query.

The following features are supported:


correlate :boolean

Boolean value defining whether this query should be correlated. When this flag is set, the correlation ID of each returned event is examined. Every event that has the same correlation ID is then also returned. Setting this flag can be useful for tracing the events triggered by a specific action. However, it can also result in large amounts of data being returned. It should therefore only be used where necessary. This property holds the value of the 'Correlate' attribute.
  • boolean

filter :string

Filter string to use for this query. See the BPM Developer's Guide for more information about which attributes can be used in the filter and how to specify the filter string. This property holds the value of the 'Filter' attribute.
  • string

requireAllAttributes :boolean

Boolean value defining whether all attributes should be returned. This setting overrides any "requiredAttribute" elements. This property holds the value of the 'Require All Attributes' attribute.
  • boolean

requiredAttribute :Array.<string>

List of attributes that should be returned for each event found by this query. This property holds the value of the 'Required Attribute' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>

sortOrder :Array.<>

This property holds the value of the 'Sort Order' containment reference list.


This property holds the value of the 'Target' attribute.