Class: DocumentRoot



Request element for deleteResource operation. This operation is used to delete the resource identified by its GUID. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Resource' containment reference.


Response element for deleteResource operation. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Resource Response' containment reference.


Request element for getResourceGuid operation. This operation is primarily used to create a new resource, using the LDAP details provided, without the need to assign that resource to a position or group - as the mapEntities operation does. Those LDAP details include the LDAP container identifier (its "id") and the alias and DN, for each LDAP source within that container, from which the resource will be derived. The name attribute within the "target" element specifies the name to be assigned to a newly created resource - it is ignored if the resource already exists. Any date-range specified in the "target" element will be ignored. If a resource for the given LDAP details already exists, no update will be performed. The "invalid" and "invalidReason" of the "target" element are not used in the request. These are used in the response to indicate any reason why the resource would cause a conflict with existing resources. This property holds the value of the 'Get Resource Guid' containment reference.


Response element for getResourceGuid operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Resource Guid Response' containment reference.


Request element for listMappedEntities operation. This operation will return a list of the resources assigned to the position or group identified in the request. The position or group is identified by its entity-type, guid and model version. If no model version is specified (or -1 is given), the version with the greatest major value is used. The qualifier attribute (and qualifierSet element) of the parent-entity element are not used in this request. This property holds the value of the 'List Mapped Entities' containment reference.


Response element for listMappedEntities operation. If no resources are currently mapped to the specified organization model entity the response is an empty document. This property holds the value of the 'List Mapped Entities Response' containment reference.


Request element for mapEntities operation. This service will assign, or remove, resources to, or from, identified positions and/or groups - creating those resources if necessary. Each entityMapping element identifies a position or group and the resouces that are to be added to or removed from that entity. The position or group is identified by its entity-type, guid and model version. If no model version is specified (or -1 is given), the version with the greatest major value is used. When adding a resource to an entity, the "create" element will identify an existing resource by its GUID, or provide the LDAP details necessary to create a new resource. Those LDAP details include the LDAP container identifier (its "id") and the alias and DN, for each LDAP source within that container, from which the resource will be derived. The name attribute within each "create" element specifies the name to be assigned to a newly created resource - it is ignored if the resource already exists. Each "create" element may also specify a date-range for which the assignment is to apply. By including a "remove" and "create" element for the same resource, the assignment's date-range can be adjusted. The "invalid" and "invalidReason" of the "create" element are not used in the request. These are used in the response to indicate any reason why the resource would cause a conflict with existing resources. This property holds the value of the 'Map Entities' containment reference.


Response element for mapEntities operation. This property holds the value of the 'Map Entities Response' containment reference.


Request element for updateCapabilityAssignments operation. This operation will modify the capability assignments of the resource identified in each "assignment" element by its guid GUID. Each capability assignment can also carry a qualifier value (or qualifierSet values) that will apply to the assignment. The capability is identified by its entity-type, guid and model version. If no model version is specified (or -1 is given), the version with the greatest major value is used. This property holds the value of the 'Update Capability Assignments' containment reference.


Response element for updaeCapabilityAssignments operation. This property holds the value of the 'Update Capability Assignments Response' containment reference.