Class: XmlLdapSource

new XmlLdapSource()

Definition of an LDAP shared resource entry (identified by the LDAP alias) in an LDAP container. Constructs a new XmlLdapSource.
N.B. This is an abstract class - do not instantiate!

The following features are supported:


attributeMapping :Array.<>

This property holds the value of the 'Attribute Mapping' containment reference list.

ldapAlias :string

The name (or alias) by which a configured LDAP connection shared resource is identified. LDAP connection shared resource are named with the prefix "ldap/de/" in order to indicate that they are intended for Directory Engine use. The alias given here is that name without the "ldap/de/" prefix. An LDAP container can contain only one instance of an LDAP source for any alias. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Alias' attribute.
  • string

resourceNameAttributes :string

(Optional) A space-separated list of named LDAP attributes, whose values will be concatenated to generate a default display name for resources derived from entries in this LDAP source. When an LDAP container contains one or more secondary LDAP sources, and those LDAP sources also provide resource-name-attributes, those of the first entry encountered will be used. This property holds the value of the 'Resource Name Attributes' attribute.
  • string