Class: GetDataViewDetailsByNameRequest


new GetDataViewDetailsByNameRequest(viewName)

Object GetDataViewDetailsByNameRequest Usage: RestApiService.getGlobaldataService().getDataViewDetailsByName(request, callback);
Name Type Description
viewName string The name of the data view. If you do not know the data view name, you can use wild cards to search for it.
  • 4.0.0


includeAppDetails :boolean

Query parameter: 'includeAppDetails' (optional) If true, the response includes details of the application with which the view is associated.
  • boolean
  • 4.0.0
Default Value:
  • = false

includeCategories :boolean

Query parameter: 'includeCategories' (optional) If true, the response includes details of the categories to which the view belongs.
  • boolean
  • 4.0.0
Default Value:
  • = false

viewDetailsRequirement :string

Query parameter: 'viewDetailsRequirement' Specifies that the response is to contain only a limited amount of information, rather than the full details of the data view. The valid values are:
  • NAME - Returns only the name of the specified data view.
  • NAME_AND_DESCRIPTON - Returns only the name and description of the specified data view.
  • NAME_AND_PARAMETERS - Returns only the name of the specified data view, as well as its named parameters, their data types, and multiplicity*.
  • NAME_DESCRIPTION_AND_PARAMETERS - Returns only the name and description of the specified data view, as well as its named parameters, their data types, and multiplicity*.

* The multiplicity is the number of values required for the named parameter (ONE, TWO, or MANY). If omitted, assume ONE (as this is the case most of the time, the server does not return it so as not to clutter the response). If the condition uses the operators BETWEEN or NOT_BETWEEN, the multiplicity will be TWO (a BETWEEN condition has two values: the upper and lower bounds). For IN and NOT_IN operators, the multiplicity will be MANY.

  • string
  • 4.0.0