Class: DocumentRoot



copyCalendar :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.CopyCalendarType

Request element for copyCalendar operation. Specifies the calendar to be copied, and the name for the new calendar. This property holds the value of the 'Copy Calendar' containment reference.

copyCalendarResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.basic.XmlUpdatedCalendar

Response element for copyCalendar operation. Returns the new version number assigned to the newly created Calendar, and the name and namespace assigned to the Calendar. Acts as a confirmation of success. This property holds the value of the 'Copy Calendar Response' containment reference.

deleteCalendar :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.DeleteCalendarType

Request element for deleteCalendar operation. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Calendar' containment reference.

deleteCalendarEntries :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.DeleteCalendarEntriesType

Request element for deleteCalendarEntries operation. Deletes the Calendar Entries identified by the given list of entry-guids. The deleted entries cannot be recovered. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Calendar Entries' containment reference.

deleteCalendarEntriesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.basic.XmlUpdatedCalendar

Response element for deleteCalendarEntries operation. Returns the new version number assigned to the modified Calendar, and the name and namespace of the Calendar. Acts as a confirmation of success. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Calendar Entries Response' containment reference.

deleteCalendarResponse :string

Response element for deleteCalendar operation. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Calendar Response' attribute.
  • string

getCalendar :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.GetCalendarType

Request element for getCalendar operation. Specifies the calendar to be listed. This property holds the value of the 'Get Calendar' containment reference.

getCalendarResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.XmlCalendarResponse

Response element for getCalendar operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Calendar Response' containment reference.

getCalEntries :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.GetCalEntriesType

Request element for getCalEntries operation. Specifies a calendar and a date range for entries. This property holds the value of the 'Get Cal Entries' containment reference.

getCalEntriesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.XmlCalendarEntries

Response element for getCalEntries operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Cal Entries Response' containment reference.

listCalendars :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ListCalendarsType

Request element for listCalendars operation. No parameters are required for this request. This property holds the value of the 'List Calendars' containment reference.

listCalendarsResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ListCalendarsResponseType

Response element for listCalendars operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Calendars Response' containment reference.

listTimeZones :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ListTimeZonesType

Request element for listTimeZones operation. No parameters are required for this request. This property holds the value of the 'List Time Zones' containment reference.

listTimeZonesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ListTimeZonesResponseType

Response element for listTimeZones operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Time Zones Response' containment reference.

purgeCalendarEntries :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.PurgeCalendarEntriesType

Request element for purgeCalendarEntries operation. Deletes the Calendar Entries, of the named Calendar, whose end date is earlier than the given date. The deleted entries cannot be recovered. This property holds the value of the 'Purge Calendar Entries' containment reference.

purgeCalendarEntriesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.basic.XmlUpdatedCalendar

Response element for purgeCalendarEntries operation. Returns the new version number assigned to the modified Calendar, and the name and namespace of the Calendar. Acts as a confirmation of success. This property holds the value of the 'Purge Calendar Entries Response' containment reference.

renameCalendar :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.RenameCalendarType

Request element for renameCalendar operation. Specifies the calendar to be renamed, and the new name. This property holds the value of the 'Rename Calendar' containment reference.

renameCalendarResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.basic.XmlUpdatedCalendar

Response element for renameCalendar operation. Returns the new version number assigned to the modified Calendar, and the name and namespace assigned to the Calendar. Acts as a confirmation of success. This property holds the value of the 'Rename Calendar Response' containment reference.

resolveReferences :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ResolveReferencesType

Request element for resolveReferences operation. Specifies one or more references to be resolved. This property holds the value of the 'Resolve References' containment reference.

resolveReferencesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.ResolveReferencesResponseType

Response element for resolveReferences operation. This property holds the value of the 'Resolve References Response' containment reference.

saveCalendar :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.XmlCalendarResponse

Request element for saveCalendar operation. Specifies the calendar to be saved. If a calendar of this name does not exist, a new calendar is created. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar' containment reference.

saveCalendarEntry :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.SaveCalendarEntryType

Request element for saveCalendarEntry operation. If multiple instructions are contained in a single request they are processed sequentially. For example, a create working day exclusion followed by a create recurring working day exclusion followed by an update recurring working day exclusion. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar Entry' containment reference.

saveCalendarEntryResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.XmlCalendarEntries

Response element for saveCalendarEntry operation. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar Entry Response' containment reference.

saveCalendarReferences :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.SaveCalendarReferencesType

Request element for saveCalendarReferences operation. Specifies a calendar and the references to be associated with it. If a given reference is already associated with another calendar, it will be removed before adding it to the calendar identified in this request. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar References' containment reference.

saveCalendarReferencesResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.SaveCalendarReferencesResponseType

Response element for saveCalendarReferences operation. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar References Response' containment reference.

saveCalendarResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.workcal.XmlCalendarResponse

Response element for saveCalendar operation. This property holds the value of the 'Save Calendar Response' containment reference.