new DocumentRoot()
Constructs a new DocumentRoot.
The following features are supported:
calcBusinessDeadline :tibco.objectapi.dac.deadline.CalcBusinessDeadlineType
Request element for calcBusinessDeadline operation.
This operation is deprecated and should no longer be used. It is only available for backward compatibility and may be removed in future releases.
This property holds the value of the 'Calc Business Deadline' containment reference.
calcBusinessDeadlineResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.deadline.CalcBusinessDeadlineResponseType
Response element for calcBusinessDeadline operation.
This property holds the value of the 'Calc Business Deadline Response' containment reference.
calcDeadline :tibco.objectapi.dac.deadline.XmlCalcDeadlineRequest
This property holds the value of the 'Calc Deadline' containment reference.
calcDeadlineResponse :tibco.objectapi.dac.deadline.XmlCalcDeadlineResponse
This property holds the value of the 'Calc Deadline Response' containment reference.