Class: DescribeEntityType

new DescribeEntityType()

Request to describe the identified model entity. Extends XmlOrgModelVersion which provides the org-model version attribute. . Constructs a new DescribeEntityType.

The following features are supported:



dynamicIdAttr :Array.<tibco.objectapi.common.organisation.XmlDynamicIdField>

Provides a collection of name/value pairs that identify a Dynamic Organisational Instance. This property holds the value of the 'Dynamic Id Attr' containment reference list.

entityType :tibco.objectapi.common.organisation.OrganisationalEntityType

Identifies the category of the org-entity, and used to improve and validate the search. This property holds the value of the 'Entity Type' attribute.

guid :string

Globally, unique identifier for the org-entity. Although this value is unique across all entities, if the entity exists within more than one major version, it will share the same GUID. This property holds the value of the 'Guid' attribute.
  • string

modelVersion :number

Major version number of the organization model in which an organization model entity resides. If not specified, the default value will be the latest version of the organization model. (Version numbers must be compatible with, and conform to, the OSGi version number schema. For Directory Engine, only the major part of the version number is significant.) This property holds the value of the 'Model Version' attribute.
  • number