Class: XmlResourceCandidate

new XmlResourceCandidate()

Identifies the LDAP entries (both primary and secondaries) from which a Resource can be (or has been) created. The ldap-alias and ldap-dn identify the LDAP Entry within the Primary LDAP Source the LDAP Container from which the candidate was derived. If the LDAP Container has any Secondary LDAP Sources, a "secondary-ref" identifies the LDAP Entry within each of those Secondary LDAP Sources. If the candidate is an existing Resource, the GUID for that Resource will be included. If a Resource cannot be created from the candidate, an error code will indicate the reason. Constructs a new XmlResourceCandidate.

The following features are supported:




Read-only - Indicates that the candidate is invalid, and provides a coded explanation why. If this attribute is not present, the candidate is valid. This property holds the value of the 'Error' attribute.

guid :string

If the candidate is one for which a Resource already exists, the GUID of that existing resource is given. This property holds the value of the 'Guid' attribute.
  • string

ldapAlias :string

The name (or alias) by which a configured LDAP connection shared resource is identified. LDAP connection shared resources are named with the prefix "ldap/de/" in order to indicate that they are intended for Directory Engine use. The alias given here is that name without the "ldap/de/" prefix. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Alias' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

ldapDn :string

The full Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP entry identified by this element. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Dn' attribute.
  • string
Inherited From:

name :string

The name of the existing resource, or the name that will be assigned (by default) to the resource created from this candidate entry. This property holds the value of the 'Name' attribute.
  • string

secondaryRef :Array.<>

Identifies the LDAP entry in the secondary LDAP source (which is itself identified by the ldap-alias) of an LDAP container. This property holds the value of the 'Secondary Ref' containment reference list.