Class: XmlUpdateResourceType

new XmlUpdateResourceType()


addCapability :Array.<>

Identifies the capabilities to which the resource is to be associated. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Adding the same capability multiple times overwrites any existing capabilities. This property holds the value of the 'Add Capability' containment reference list.

addGroup :Array.<>

Identifies the groups to which the resource is to be associated. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Adding the same group multiple times overwrites any existing groups. This property holds the value of the 'Add Group' containment reference list.

addPosition :Array.<>

Identifies the positions to which the resource is to be associated. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Adding the same position multiple times, overwrites any existing positions. This property holds the value of the 'Add Position' containment reference list.

guid :string

The GUID that identifies the Resource. This property holds the value of the 'Guid' attribute.
  • string


Lists the LDAP mappings of the resource to be modified. The LDAP alias's listed must correspond to those of the LDAP container to which the resource belongs. This property holds the value of the 'Ldap Reference' containment reference.

removeCapability :Array.<>

Identifies the capabilities from which the resource is to be removed. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Removing the same capability multiple times in the same request is acceptable. This property holds the value of the 'Remove Capability' containment reference list.

removeGroup :Array.<>

Identifies the groups from which the resource is to be removed. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Removing the same group multiple times in the same request is acceptable. This property holds the value of the 'Remove Group' containment reference list.

removePosition :Array.<>

Identifies the positions from which the resource is to be removed. Note that add requests are processed ahead of remove requests when included in the same update. Removing the same position multiple times in the same request is acceptable. This property holds the value of the 'Remove Position' containment reference list.

setAttribute :Array.<>

Identifies the resource attributes, and the values to be assigned to the resource. Adding the same attribute multiple times overwrites any existing attributes. To remove an attribute value, do not include the value attribute. Note that for an EnumSet type, the value attribute is repeated as a list. For all other types, there should be just one value attribute. This property holds the value of the 'Set Attribute' containment reference list.


Identifies the date range for which the resource should be present. To remove a date range, do not set any attribute values. This property holds the value of the 'Set Date Range' containment reference.


The name to be assigned to the resource that is used for display purposes. To remove the label from a resource, do not include a value attribute. This property holds the value of the 'Set Label' containment reference.


Identifies a location to which the resource is to be associated. This property holds the value of the 'Set Location' containment reference.


The name value to be assigned to the resource. This property holds the value of the 'Set Name' containment reference.