Class: DocumentRoot


getCalendarReferences :tibco.objectapi.common.organisation.XmlModelEntityId

Request to obtain the calendar references for the identified model entity. The response is an ordered collection of calendar references obtained by navigating the organization model hierarchy to which the identified model entity belongs. Each entry identifies the organization model entity that holds the calendar reference. This property holds the value of the 'Get Calendar References' containment reference.


Response element returning the calendar references for the identified model entity. The result is an ordered collection of calendar references obtained by navigating the organization model hierarchy to which the identified model entity belongs. Each entry identifies the organization model entity that holds the calendar reference. This property holds the value of the 'Get Calendar References Response' containment reference.


Requests the details of the entities that form the organzational model identified by the given major version. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model' containment reference.


Requests the details of the model entities identified by the given major version and their GUID. If the identified entity has associations with other entities (e.g. positions associated with an org-unit), the GUID of those entities will be included in the response. This allows details of those entities to be retrieved. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model Entity' containment reference.


Response element for the getOrgModelEntity operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model Entity Response' containment reference.


Response element for the getOrgModel operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model Response' containment reference.


Requests the details of the model root entities identified by the given major version. These will include; Organisations, Groups, Locations, Capabilities, Privileges, Resource Attributes and Model Templates. Using these root entities, it will be possible for the client to navgate the entire org-model in a "drill-down" fashion. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model Roots' containment reference.


Response element for the getOrgModelRoots operation. This property holds the value of the 'Get Org Model Roots Response' containment reference.


Request element for getPushDestinations. Specify the organization model entities for whom push destinations should be retrieved. This property holds the value of the 'Get Push Destinations' containment reference.


Response element for getPushDestinations. Lists the currently defined push destinations for each specified organization model entity. This property holds the value of the 'Get Push Destinations Response' containment reference.

listOrgModelVersions :Object

Request element for listOrgModelVersions operation. This operation lists the available organization model major versions. For each major version, the organization model deployments that make up that version are detailed, giving their full version number, name and date deployed. This property holds the value of the 'List Org Model Versions' containment reference.
  • Object


Response element for listOrgModelVersions operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Org Model Versions Response' containment reference.

processDynamicOrg :Object

Requests that the processing of the Extension Points and Candidate Queries is performed as soon as possible. The request will be placed on a queue for 'immediate' processing. This property holds the value of the 'Process Dynamic Org' containment reference.
  • Object

processDynamicOrgResponse :Object

Response element. An unsuccessful request will be indicated with a fault. This property holds the value of the 'Process Dynamic Org Response' containment reference.
  • Object


Request to assign calendar references to organization model entities. The assignments overwrite any existing assignments to the same model entities. This property holds the value of the 'Set Calendar References' containment reference.

setCalendarReferencesResponse :Object

Response element for the setCalendarReferences operation. An unsuccessful assignment will be indicated with a fault. This property holds the value of the 'Set Calendar References Response' containment reference.
  • Object


Sets, or updates, the Candidate Query assignments to identified org-model entities. Each org-model entity may only hold one Candidate Query. Any existing assignment will be ovewritten by a new assignment. Candidate Queries span all org-model versions in which the identified org-model entity exists. Therefore, the request does not include a model version. This property holds the value of the 'Set Candidate Queries' containment reference.

setCandidateQueriesResponse :Object

Response element. An unsuccessful update will be indicated with a fault. This property holds the value of the 'Set Candidate Queries Response' containment reference.
  • Object


Sets, removes or updates, the Extension Point configurations assigned to identified organisations or organisation units. Removes are processed before sets and updates. This property holds the value of the 'Set Extension Points' containment reference.

setExtensionPointsResponse :Object

Response element. An unsuccessful update will be indicated with a fault. This property holds the value of the 'Set Extension Points Response' containment reference.
  • Object


This property holds the value of the 'Update Push Destinations' containment reference.

updatePushDestinationsResponse :Object

Response element. An unsuccessful update will be indicated with a fault. This property holds the value of the 'Update Push Destinations Response' containment reference.
  • Object


Definition of a push destination. When using these XML elements to set a push destination, if both the "desc-guid" attribute and "value" elements are specified, the "value" elements will be ignored. The value elements are used to pass the values of the push destination. If the push destination: - retrieves its value from an LDAP attribute (via a desc-guid parameter descriptor) it can hold multiple values, so the value element can occur several times. - does not take its value from an LDAP attribute, it can hold only one value. If multiple values are given when setting the push destination, only the first value is recorded. This property holds the value of the 'Xml Push Destination' containment reference.