RDMA Transport: Parameters Reference
The following tables describe the parameters specific to RDMA transports in the configuration interface.
For web API access to transport definitions, see Transport Definition Objects.
Connection List
You must specify at least one pair connection triplet: host, port, and initialization mode.
In the web API, the hosts attribute contains a collection of these triplet objects.
GUI Parameter | JSON Attribute | Description |
Host | host | Required.
For the host, specify an RDMA interface either as a host name or as an IP address. Asterisk (*) is a special value, which designates all RDMA interfaces on the host computer (analogous to INADDR_ANY, but limited to RDMA interfaces). This special value is available only with listen mode (that is, RDMA transports can listen for connections on all network interfaces, but they must connect to a specific interface). |
Port | port | Required.
Specify a port number. |
Mode | mode | Required.
You must select either Connect or Listen from the drop-down menu:
For more information, see Listen End and Connect End. |
Interface Settings
GUI Parameter | JSON Attribute | Description |
Source Address | source_address | Optional. Specify an IP address.
When the host computer initializing an RDMA connection request has more than one local interface, the transport attempts outward connection requests over this interface. When absent, the transport attempts outward connection requests over all the available interfaces (in an indeterminate order). This parameter does not affect a transport’s ability to listen for inbound connection requests. |