Migration Utility Command Line Reference

The migration utility exports monitoring data points from Prometheus and imports them into InfluxDB.

TIBCO FTL Release 5.4 deprecates Prometheus for managing monitoring data.


The prom2influx executable utility is located in the bin directory of the product installation tree.


Parameter Arguments Description
-influxdb influx_svr_URL Optional.

The location of the InfluxDB server.

When absent, the default URL is http://localhost:8086.

-prometheus prom_svr_URL Optional.

The location of the Prometheus server.

When absent, the default URL is http://localhost:9090.

-certificate file_path Optional.

The location of the InfluxDB server's certificate file (PEM format).

Supply this parameter for a secure connection when the InfluxDB server's certificate is not within the root CA set of the host computer where you run the migration utility.

-username user Required when InfluxDB server enables user authentication.

The utility authenticates itself to the InfluxDB server using these credentials.

The user must have write access to the database.

-password password
-start date Optional.

The utility migrates data points in a range prior to this time.

Specify the time in RFC3339 format, for example, 2018-03-12T12:00:57-05:00.

When absent, the default value is the current date and time.

-range duration The utility migrates data points within this range only.

When present, the duration must be a valid Prometheus range duration.

When absent, the default range is 5y.

-batchlimit batch_size Optional.

The utility limits the number of data points per batch that it sends to InfluxDB.

When absent, the default maximum is 5000 data points.

If limited bandwidth to InfluxDB causes slow migration, consider reducing this value.

-help Optional.

Print a summary of command line parameters.