Sample Programs Reference

Sample programs serve as models for your own programs. You can use sample programs to experiment with TIBCO FTL software, test for correct installation, and demonstrate performance in your network environment.

Sample Programs

These tables describe some of the sample programs, however, the list is not exhaustive. For instructions on running the sample programs, and for descriptions of other sample programs, see the readme files in each directory.

Each sample program prints a usage summary in response to the -h command line option.

Sample Programs for One-to-Many Communication
Programs Description
tibrecvex tibrecvex creates a subscriber and outputs the messages it receives.

Start this program first.

tibsendex tibsendex publishes messages for tibrecvex.
Sample Programs for One-to-One Communication
Programs Description
tibreply tibreply creates a subscriber, and replies to request messages it receives.

Start this program first.

tibrequest tibrequest creates an inbox subscriber, sends request messages to tibreply, and receives replies at its inbox.


Files in Samples Directory
File Description
readme.txt Instructions to compile and run sample programs.
setup Script that defines environment variables for the samples, such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH. Start with this script.


Samples Directories
Directory Description
bin Executable sample programs, precompiled from C sources.
scripts Sample scripts to start and stop the realm server. You must start the realm server with this script before running the sample programs.

Sample configuration file for the realm server.

The file readme.txt contains instructions for using these samples.

src Sample program source code in C, Java, and .NET. You may use these samples as models for your application programs.

The file readme.txt contains instructions for compiling.

jaas Files that configure JAAS authentication and authorization for the sample scripts.
config More sample configuration files, for use as instructional models, but not related to the sample programs.