Trust Properties of the Realm Connect Method
In an enterprise with TLS security, client applications must trust the realm server. Properties of the realm connect method specify the behavior of this interaction.
- TIB_REALM_PROPERTY_LONG_TRUST_TYPE - This property indicates the way that the client determines trust in the realm server. Its value is one of the following constants:
- HTTPS_CONNECTION_USE_SPECIFIED_TRUST_FILE - The client trusts the realm server based on the trust file created by the realm server and distributed by the administrator. Specify the file path of the trust file in an adjunct parameter, TIB_REALM_PROPERTY_STRING_TRUST_FILE.
- HTTPS_CONNECTION_USE_SPECIFIED_TRUST_STRING - The client trusts the realm server based a trust string. Specify that data content in an adjunct parameter, TIB_REALM_PROPERTY_STRING_TRUST_PEM_STRING.
- HTTPS_CONNECTION_TRUST_EVERYONE - The client trusts any realm server without verifying trust in the server's certificate.
- TIB_REALM_PROPERTY_STRING_TRUST_FILE - The string value of this property is the file path of the trust file.
- TIB_REALM_PROPERTY_STRING_TRUST_PEM_STRING - The string value of this property is the trust string in PEM format.
The names of properties and constants vary slightly among the languages that the API supports.
- Trust File
A secure realm server automatically generates a trust file. The content of the trust file instructs clients to trust the realm server's certificate. Administrators and developers coordinate to supply the trust file to application programs.
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