Listen End and Connect End

In a pair connection, the assignment of listen end and connect end is not arbitrary. Instead, it depends on the type of interaction, or on the bus topology. To simplify transport configuration, follow the guidelines in the following table.

In general, a process that must start first is a good candidate for the listen end of pair connection. This rule helps avoid situations in which programs send messages before the transport establishes a pair connection bus.

Listen End and Connect End
Situation Listen End Connect End
Request/Reply Interactions Replying process Requesting process
Server and Clients Server Clients
Long-Lived Process and Ephemeral Processes Long-lived process Ephemeral processes
Hub-and-Spoke Topology Hub Spokes

Start Order

Administrators must arrange for processes to start in the correct order, according to application semantics. If a requesting process starts before the replying process, the replying process could miss the first request (or several requests).

The principles that determine which processes must start first are similar to the principles that determine the preference for listen end of a pair connection (see the preceding table). Namely, replying processes, servers, long-lived processes and hub processes must start first.