GET realm_UUID/logs/client_ID

The web method GET realm_UUID/log/client_ID retrieves the log file for a specific client, along with metadata that describes the file.

  • realm_UUID in the URI specifies the realm.

    To obtain realm UUIDs, see GET realms.

  • client_ID in the URI specifies the client process.


You can include pagination parameters to retrieve the rows of long log files in smaller batches. For details, see "Pagination" in TIBCO FTL Administration.

You can include limit parameters to truncate long files to only the most recent logs. When neither limit parameter is present, the default limit is 10MB.

Syntax Description
max_size=byte_limit Truncate the results to this size.

Supply the limit as a numerical value with units. For example, 100MB.

max_rows=row_limit Truncate the results to this length (in rows).

Example Requests

curl -X GET http://host:port/logsvc/v1/realmUUID/logs/client_ID?max_size=100MB

Example JSON Representation

This request returns a response with this form.

    "client_id": 106025,
    "realm_uuid": "743362b7-e56c-43b0-b056-dd8824dc71fa",
    "row_count": 13,
    "creation_date": "2017-10-10T14:22:05-05:00",
    "last_modified": "2017-10-11T11:32:39-05:00",
        "timestamp": "2017-10-10T14:22:05-05:00",
        "level": "info",
        "component": "ftl",
        "context": "ftl_log",
        "statement": "starting primary realmserver" },
        "timestamp": "2017-10-10T14:22:05-05:00",
        "level": "info",
        "component": "ftl",
        "context": "ftl_log",
        "statement": "Server is now running." }