Filters for Client Status Methods
You can filter client status methods by attribute and value. Methods first filter the clients, and then apply any action to the clients that meet the filtering criteria. Filtering applies to all client status methods.
Filtering is available for ordinary application clients and also for TIBCO FTL component clients, such as bridges, eFTL servers, and persistence servers.
GET Methods
If a GET method returns a collection of client status objects as its top level value, then you can filter the collection based on JSON attributes of the client objects in the collection.
A request for monitoring metrics is an action that applies after filtering the collection.
For example, the GET clients method returns a collection of client objects. You can filter the collection to clients that match one or more attribute values. For example, the request GET clients?app_name=tibrecvex&host=reed gets only clients with the application name tibrecvex running on host reed:
{ "clients":[ { "app_instance":"default", "app_name":"tibrecvex", "host":"reed", "id":11055, "ip":"", ...
Other Methods
If a POST, PUT, or DELETE method affects a collection of client objects, then you can target a narrower collection by adding filter parameters to the request. The action of the method applies after filtering the collection. That is, the action applies to each client object that meets the filtering criteria.