Realm Server
Administrators configure, run, and maintain the realm server, which includes configuring the realm definition in the server.
The realm server contains the complete realm definition. Application programs request the realm definition from the server, which responds with a version of the realm that is tailored for a specific application. The application process stores this tailored realm definition in a realm object.
Client applications and services send their operating metrics to the realm server. To use metrics data, see TIBCO FTL Monitoring.
The realm server can run either as a singleton process, or as a family of affiliated server processes, which can include a primary server, satellite servers, and backup servers (for fault tolerance). For more information, see Affiliated Realm Servers.
- Affiliated Realm Servers
You can configure a family of affiliated realm server processes that serve a single realm, cooperating to distribute the task of serving the realm definition to their clients. - Secure Realm Servers
A secure realm server uses certificates and TLS to guarantee its identity to clients and other realm servers, and to protect its communications with them. - Realm Server Authentication
The realm server uses an authentication service to authenticate and authorize client programs, administrative tools, and affiliated servers. - Option and Property Names
The realm server executable files each accept three kinds of options: - Realm Server Executable Reference
Administrators use tibrealmserver, the realm server command line executable, to start a realm server process. - Realm Server Administration Utility Reference
Administrators use the realm server administration utility, tibrealmadmin, to stop, update, dump, or back up a realm server process.