Response Status Codes

HTTP response codes indicate success or failure of a realm server web API request.

Codes in the 200 range indicate that the request succeeded. Codes in the 400 and 500 range indicate an error.

Status Code Reason Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
201 Created The request succeeded in creating a resource.
202 Accepted The request was accepted, but has not yet completed.
204 No content The request succeeded, but did not return any JSON response.
400 Bad Request The request is invalid because of syntax errors.
401 Unauthorized The request did not include valid credentials.
403 Forbidden The request is syntactically correct, but not allowed.

For example, you cannot directly configure a backup realm server.

404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The resource does not allow the requested method.
409 Conflict The request conflicts with the current state of the resource.
500 Internal Server Error An error in the realm server prevented completion of the request.