Client Label

The client label is a human-friendly string that names the functional role of a client process. This label can help administrators recognize client application processes by their role within the enterprise.


It is good programming practice to supply a client label property in the realm connect call.

For flexibility, design programs to accept a client label value as a command line or configuration argument, which overrides a default value.


The realm server includes the client label in GUI displays, web API responses, and monitoring data.

Administrators can use identical client labels to maintain name recognition when several instances of an application run on different host computers. Conversely, you can use distinct client labels to distinguish among several instances of an application that run on the same host computer.

Administrators can use the client label to maintain continuity, so you can recognize a client process by its role even after it restarts. (In contrast, the realm server assigns a unique client ID each time an application process restarts.)

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