The advisory reports an unrecoverable dataloss. The reason is transport backlog overflow at the publisher, in accordance with the transport’s backlog settings.


This advisory reports only inbound dataloss to subscribing programs. It does not report outbound dataloss to the publishing program.

This advisory does not indicate the volume of lost data, but rather the number of dataloss incidents. Each dataloss incident represents at least one lost message, but could represent many lost messages.

For more information about backlog overflow, see Send: Blocking versus Non-Blocking.


Report this advisory to an administrator.


Field Description
endpoints The string array value of this field lists the endpoints that could have lost data.

Although data loss occurs primarily in a transport, its symptoms could affect all endpoints that use the transport, and by extension, any subscriber on those endpoints. Furthermore, transport names are meaningful to administrators, but usually not available to programmers. This advisory field reports the set of all endpoints through which the program could access the problematic transport, according to the configuration in the local realm object.

aggregation_count The long value of this field reports the cumulative number of dataloss incidents during the time interval (see aggregation_time).

The base library aggregates this count separately for each transport.

aggregation_time The double floating point value, in seconds, of this field indicates the length of the time interval for aggregating the incidents that aggregation_count reports.

The time interval ends shortly before the timestamp.

timestamp The DateTime value of this field indicates the time that the library generated the advisory.

Although DateTime values can represent time with nanosecond precision, the actual resolution of the timestamp is only as fine-grained as the host computer's operating system supports.