Persistence Server Details Panel

The Persistence Server details panel presents the details of a persistence server definition. In edit mode, you can modify the definition.

The title of the panel indicates both the cluster and server names: Cluster / Server.

For background information, see Persistence Servers and Cluster.

For consequences of modifying this configuration, see Store and Durable Modifications.

Server Parameters

GUI Parameter Description
Server Weight Optional.

This value must be an integer in the range [1,10]. Larger values indicate greater preference that the server becomes the leader.

When absent, the default weight is 10.


Each persistence server definition must configure a cluster transport and a client transport.

You can also configure an alternate client transport, and a disaster recovery transport, each of which enables optional functionality.

Supply the transport parameters as needed. The available parameters depend on the transport protocol. In general, only a subset of parameters for that transport protocol are available, as the realm server automatically supplies values for the remainder.

For transport parameter details, see Transport Concepts, and Transport Details Panel.

For background information, see Persistence Server Transports.

GUI Parameters Grouping Description
Client Transport Client applications communicate with persistence servers in the cluster using this transport.

Persistence servers inherit the client transport protocol from the server set. Select the transport protocol in the Client Protocol column of the clusters grid.

Set other parameters in this section.

See also Client Transport and Non-Blocking Send.

Cluster Transport Persistence servers with the cluster communicate with one another using this transport.

Persistence servers inherit the cluster transport protocol from the server set. Select the transport protocol in the Cluster Protocol column of the clusters grid.

Set other parameters in this section.

Alternate Client Transport Optional.

When defined, clients on the associated hosts communicate with this persistence server using the alternate transport. All other clients use the regular client transport defined for the cluster.

To define an alternate client transport for clients on specific host computers, supply a transport protocol and other transport parameters. Add hosts to the list of Associated Client Host Names.

For background information, see Alternate Client Transport.

See also Client Transport and Non-Blocking Send.

Disaster Recovery Transport Optional.

When two persistence servers need to communicate across the WAN for disaster recovery replication, they establish a transport using this definition.

Persistence servers inherit the disaster recovery transport protocol from the cluster. Select the transport protocol in the DR Protocol column of the clusters grid.

Set other parameters in this section.

For background information, see Disaster Recovery.