Realm Storage
Each realm server stores the definition of exactly one realm. However, it stores the realm definition in several different ways.
The diagram illustrates the stored forms of a realm, and the transitions among them (colored arrows).
At any moment, clients and services use the current realm definition to guide their behavior.
The realm server configuration interfaces can access either of two realm definitions.
- When edit mode is off, the interface accesses the current realm definition (purple arrow).
- When edit mode on, the interface accesses a workspace, that is, a private working copy of the realm definition, and uses it as intermediate storage while the administrator modifies the realm definition. Entering edit mode (orange arrow) obtains the modification lock and opens the workspace as a copy of the current realm definition. The interface displays the workspace and automatically saves your modifications to the workspace (blue arrows).
Deploying the workspace (green arrows) is a transaction that involves several steps (green arrows). Numbers in the diagram refer to transaction steps in the deploy transaction (for further details, see The Deploy Transaction).
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