Cooperating application programs can use a lock to implement exclusive access to a map within a persistence cluster. Locks can prevent interference among the application processes that access a map.
Lock Name
When a program creates a lock object, it assigns a lock name. A persistence cluster may contain many locks, each with a unique name. Two lock objects with the same name represent the same lock, so two or more application processes can use the lock to cooperate.
Programmers choose the name of a lock to indicate the purpose of the lock: for example, ServerStatusMapLock might lock an entire map that stores the states of server hardware within an enterprise, while BlueLock might lock the row of that map that describes the state of the server named Blue.
Methods with Locks and without Locks: Effective Use
Map operations are available in two forms: with lock and without lock. Methods that take a lock argument respect the state of that lock: that is, if another process holds the lock, then the method throws an exception and does not complete its map operation.
However, methods that do not take a lock argument do not respect the state of any lock: even if another process holds a lock for the map or for the key row, the method does not test the lock, and completes its map operation.
For locks to effectively prevent interference, all your application processes must access the map using only methods with locks.
Locks and Stores
When a process acquires a lock, it associates the lock with a specific store within a specific persistence cluster. When a process releases a lock, it cancels the assocation, making the lock available to use with any store.
While a lock is associated with one store, it is illegal to use it in a map operation on any other store. Method calls that violate this restriction throw an exception.
Steal: Only to Circumvent a Blocked Lock
If a program process, A, holds a lock and does not return it in a timely fashion, the corresponding map or row remains inaccessible to other process that request that lock. To circumvent this blockage, another program process, B, can steal the lock.
When process A subsequently uses that lock in a map method call, the method throws an exception.