Application Definition Objects

The realm server web API represents each application definition, with its endpoints and application instances, as a JSON object.

For more information about applications, see Implementation Application (Macro) and its subtopics.

For detailed information about application definitions, see these topics:

Example JSON Representation

    "cluster": "Cluster",
    "dynamic_durable": {},
    "subscribers": [],
    "subscribers": [],
    "transports": [{
      "name": "dtcp",
      "receive": true,
      "receive_inbox": true,
      "send": true,
      "send_inbox": true
    "description": "",
      "dynamic_durable": {},
      "name": "tibsend-endpoint",
      "subscribers": [],
      "transports": [{
        "name": "shm",
        "receive": true,
        "receive_inbox": true,
        "send": true,
        "send_inbox": true
    "matcher": {
      "host": "reed",
      "identifier": ""
    "name": "reed"

JSON Attributes of Applications

For attributes and semantics see Application Definition Reference.