Application Definition Objects
The realm server web API represents each application definition, with its endpoints and application instances, as a JSON object.
For more information about applications, see Implementation Application (Macro) and its subtopics.
Example JSON Representation
{ "description":"", "endpoints":[{ "cluster": "Cluster", "dynamic_durable": {}, "name":"tibsend-endpoint", "subscribers": [], "store":"sstore", "subscribers": [], "transports": [{ "name": "dtcp", "receive": true, "receive_inbox": true, "send": true, "send_inbox": true }], }], "instances":[{ "description": "", "endpoints":[{ "dynamic_durable": {}, "name": "tibsend-endpoint", "subscribers": [], "transports": [{ "name": "shm", "receive": true, "receive_inbox": true, "send": true, "send_inbox": true }], }], "matcher": { "host": "reed", "identifier": "" }, "name": "reed" }], "manage_all_formats":false, "name":"tibsend-shared", "preload_format_names":["Format-1"] }
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