Realm Server Web API

You can use the realm server web API to configure the realm definition, to monitor and manage the operation of clients and components in the realm, and to manage aspects of the realm server itself.

The web API combines selected capabilities from the realm server GUI and from the tibrealmadmin executable utility.

Realm Definition

You can use the web API to configure and deploy the realm definition.

The scope of the configuration API includes applications, formats, transports, transport bridges, persistence, eFTL, and realm server properties.

Realm Monitoring and Management

You can use the web API to monitor and manage clients and other components that interact with the realm server. For example, you can get status information, get client metrics, and update aspects of components to affect their operation.

The scope of the monitoring API includes clients, transport bridges, persistence, and eFTL.

Realm Server

You can use the web API to get the status of the realm server, to backup the realm server database, and to shut down the realm server.